Let's Get Your Book Published
What's stopping your from fulfilling your dream of becoming an author? Do you feel a deep longing to write a book but struggle to find the time, energy, focus, or know how to do so? Have you postponed your dream because you’re striving for the perfect manuscript or because you’ve been searching for an agent or a publisher for a while? This podcast will help you break through the obstacles, better define your vision, and finally get your book published! You have a message to share with the rest of the world.If leaving a legacy in the form of the written word is something you wish to pursue, then this podcast is a great primer to walk you through all the important phases of the self-publishing process. It will also give you a solid foundation to assist you as you prepare your manuscript for a publisher; build your author platform; align your personal and business goals; and fine-tune your brand, objectives, and values. Check us out at www.LetsGetYourBookPublished.com
Let's Get Your Book Published
Using Kajabi for Your Book’s Back End
Nicole Gabriel
Season 5
Episode 135
The smart author-preneur knows they need a smart back end to run not just the business of their book, but their business outside the book. A tool like Kajabi grows beyond your book platform and well into the future of everything that lies ahead. Do you have a smart platform to grow from?
Check out our website, blog, and online book publishing program at www.LetsGetYourBookPublished.com